Pull Request Flow
The Pull Request flow begins when you Create a Pull Request to our GitHub repository.
1. Triage
A Maintainer will check the Pull Request for validity. If it is invalid, it will be Rejected. The Maintainer should include an explanation for why the Pull Request has been rejected.
A valid Pull Request is on-topic, well-formatted, and contains expected information.
A Maintainer will apply the appropriate labels (triaged
at a minimum) as part of Triage.
A Maintainer may also assign the Pull Request to one or more Maintainers for Review by adding them to the "Assignees" list.
When assigning the Pull Request for Review, please keep in mind that all assigned Maintainers must Approve the Pull Request before it can be Merged.
Use the "Assignees" list to assign the Pull Request to a Maintainer. The "Reviewers" list may include others that contributed to reviewing the Pull Request.
If your Pull Request has been Rejected and you want to resubmit it, you should start over and Create a new Pull Request with appropriate changes. Depending on the reason for rejection, it might be good to submit an RFC first.
2. Review and Request Changes
Automated checks run against the Pull Request as part of the Review. If the automated checks fail, you should Update the Pull Request.
If all automated checks pass, Maintainers will Review the Pull Request. If changes are needed, Maintainers will Request Changes.
A handy link to view Pull Requests that were Triaged and are ready for your Review
3. Update Pull Request
If automated checks fail or Maintainers Request Changes, you are responsible for Updating the Pull Request. Once you updated, the Pull Request will again enter Review.
4. Approve
Once all assigned Maintainers (listed in the "Assignees" list) Approve your Pull Request, your Pull Request is eligible to be Merged.
If the automated checks fail while your Pull Request is Approved, it is your responsibility to Update the Pull Request.
Maintainers may delay Merging your Pull Request to accommodate any optional commits implementing non-blocking suggestions from the Review (these are depicted as Suggested Commits in the flow diagram).
Once your Pull Request is Approved, if you make any unexpected commits that do not implement non-blocking suggestions from the Review (these are depicted as Unexpected Commits in the flow diagram), Maintainers may Withdraw Approval and the Pull Request will need to be Reviewed again.
The reason for you to Withdraw Approval would be to communicate the need for additional Review after unexpected changes. If you do not Withdraw Approval, other Maintainers may interpret the Pull Request as Approved and merge it.
5. Merge
All assigned Maintainers must Approve the Pull Request before it can be Merged.
As of this writing (October 2024), GitHub does not provide a mechanism to enforce this.
Maintainers will Merge your Approved Pull Request.
After Merge, automated post-merge checks and tasks will run. If these fail, the Pull Request will be Reverted. If they succeed, you are Done 🥳🎉🎊.
If your Pull Request is Reverted, you should start over and Create Pull Request with the appropriate changes.
Updated about 7 hours ago